Mother’s Day Gift Guide: For the Seasoned Mom

The matriarchs. They’ve raised their babies and they are laced with wisdom. We look to them for advice and we appreciate them for blazing the trails in this thing called motherhood.

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More seasoned moms want to have fun too. (But they also want to be home in time to watch Dancing with the Stars and be in bed by a decent hour.) Bravo’s Social Hour is the perfect spot for our mom’s who like to let their hair down between the hours of 4 and 6pm.

Eat Your Heart Out


Celebrate your mom by shopping with one of HV’s matriarchs, Jan Stewart. One of the village’s favorite local boutiques filled with gift ideas to make your mom feel loved.

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Cook & Love

For the seasoned mom who loves her accessories.

See great style

EK Home

Go in with your siblings and a celebrate your mom like never before with the finest gifts from EK Home.

Experience Luxury